Category : Trending Updates | Subcategory: Technology Published on 2023-03-20 19:11:44
Imagine that! You are just dreaming every day while others are facing the reality.
It`s not the number of dreams you have that count but the number of intentional actions you put in place that really matters.
have a content for you and trust me, you can`t run away from it all. It
is worst to do nothing about when you see what you really wanted
Below is a list of our Templates that serves as alternative software for your customization.
1. Stock Management System
2. Debtors and Creditors control and Tracker
3. Yearly Income Tracker
4. Yearly Expenses schedule and Tracker
5. Cashier`s schedule and Tracker
6. Event Tracker
7. Full Payroll System
8. PAYE Tracker
9. Loan Amortization Calculator
10. Attendance Tracker
11. Financial Statement (including notes to the account. All in one workbook)
12. Hiring Tracker Template
13. Budgeting and Forecasting Template
14. Sales and Financial Analysis Template
15. Cost Analysis Template
16. Automated Cashbook System
17. Automated Assets Management System
18. Automated Manufacturing and Sales System
19. Automated School Records System
20. Automated Hospital Accounting System
21. Automated Hotel Accounting System
22. Automated Church Accounting System
23. Customized Templates etc.
We also train on the following contents:
1. Advance Excel
2. Sage 50
3. QuickBooks
4. ERP Revolution
5. Data Analysis and Visualization using
a. Advance Excel
b. Ms. Power BI
c. Tableau
d. SQL
e. Python